import json import PySimpleGUI as Sgi import gettext import os from texts import amortization_calc, new_sets from lists import themes_list, lang_list, currency_list def language(): with open(os.path.expanduser('setts.json')) as file: old_data = json.load(file) if old_data['settings']["locale"] == 'English': locale = 'en_US' else: locale = 'ru_RU' return locale lang = gettext.translation('locale', localedir='locale', languages=[language()]) lang.install() _ = lang.gettext def currency_setts(): with open('setts.json') as file: old_data = json.load(file) try: if old_data['settings']["currency"] == 'руб.': currency = 'руб.' elif old_data['settings']["currency"] == '$': currency = '$' else: currency = '€' except KeyError: if old_data['settings']["locale"] == "рус.": currency = 'руб.' else: currency = '$' return currency def window_setts(): with open('setts.json') as file: old_data = json.load(file) theme = old_data["settings"]["theme"] p = old_data["settings"]["p"] h = old_data["settings"]["h"] d = old_data["settings"]["d"] st = old_data["settings"]["st"] mk = old_data["settings"]["mk"] a = old_data["settings"]["a"] locale = old_data['settings']["locale"] try: currency = old_data['settings']["currency"] except KeyError: currency = "руб." try: spi = old_data["settings"]["spi"] except KeyError: Sgi.popup_ok(new_sets) spi = 0 try: marg = old_data["settings"]["marge"] except KeyError: marg = 0 layout1 = [ [Sgi.Text(_("ВНИМАНИЕ! Перед установкой параметра\n'Коэффициент выбраковки' прочитайте раздел\n" "Help, с описанием формулы расчета!\n"), text_color="red")], [Sgi.Text(_('Мощность принтера, Вт')), Sgi.Push(), Sgi.InputText(p, size=(10, 10), justification='right')], [Sgi.Text(_('Тариф электроэнергии, кВт/ч')), Sgi.Push(), Sgi.InputText(h, size=(10, 10), justification='right')], [Sgi.Text(_('Коэффициент выбраковки')), Sgi.Push(), Sgi.InputText(d, size=(10, 10), justification='right')], [Sgi.Text(_('Стоимость катушки, ')+f'{currency_setts()}'), Sgi.Push(), Sgi.InputText(st, size=(10, 10), justification='right')], [Sgi.Text(_('Вес катушки, гр.')), Sgi.Push(), Sgi.Combo(['225', '250', '450', '500', '750', '850', '1000', '2250', '2500'], size=(8, 20), default_value=mk)], [Sgi.Text(_('Наценка, %.')), Sgi.Push(), Sgi.InputText(marg, size=(10, 10), justification='right')], [Sgi.Text('')] ] layout2 = [ [Sgi.Text(_('Стоимость вашего принтера, ')+f'{currency_setts()}'), Sgi.Push(), Sgi.InputText(a, size=(10, 10), justification='right')], [Sgi.Text(_('Срок полезного использования, лет.')), Sgi.Push(), Sgi.InputText(spi, size=(10, 10), justification='right')], [Sgi.Text('_' * 45)], [Sgi.Text(amortization_calc)], [Sgi.Text('')] ] layout3 = [ [Sgi.Text(_('Оформление'))], [Sgi.Text(_("Выбор темы")), Sgi.Push(), Sgi.Combo(themes_list, size=(20, 20), default_value=theme)], [Sgi.Text(_("Язык")), Sgi.Push(), Sgi.Combo(lang_list, size=(20, 20), default_value=locale)], [Sgi.Text(_("Валюта")), Sgi.Push(), Sgi.Combo(currency_list, size=(20, 20), default_value=currency_setts())], ] tab_group = [ [Sgi.TabGroup( [[Sgi.Tab(_('Основные настройки'), layout1), Sgi.Tab(_('Амортизация'), layout2), Sgi.Tab(_('Оформление'), layout3)]] ), [Sgi.Push(), Sgi.Button(_('Применить'))]]] window = Sgi.Window(_("Настройки"), tab_group, modal=True) while True: event, values = if event == _('Применить'): if values[8] == theme: new_theme = theme else: new_theme = values[8] if values[9] == locale: new_locale = locale else: new_locale = values[9] if values[10] == currency: new_currency = currency else: new_currency = values[10] if values[0] == p: new_p = p else: new_p = values[0] if values[1] == h: new_h = h else: new_h = values[1].replace(',', '.') if values[2] == d: new_d = d else: new_d = values[2].replace(',', '.') if values[3] == st: new_st = st else: new_st = values[3] if values[4] == mk: new_mk = mk else: new_mk = values[4] if values[5] == marg: new_marg = marg else: new_marg = values[5].replace(',', '.') if values[6] == a: new_a = a else: new_a = values[6] if values[7] == spi: new_spi = spi else: new_spi = values[7] with open('setts.json', 'w') as file: data = {"settings": {"theme": new_theme, "p": new_p, "h": new_h, "d": new_d, "st": new_st, "mk": new_mk, "a": new_a, "spi": new_spi, "marge": new_marg, "locale": new_locale, "currency": new_currency } } json.dump(data, file, indent=2) window.close() if event == "Exit" or event == Sgi.WIN_CLOSED: break