import datetime import json import os import requests import PySimpleGUI as Sgi from calculating import calculating, amortization, cost_prise from setts import window_setts, mk_dir_json from text_ru import calc, about, not_connect, new_marge, ver from update import upd_start, upd_check now = def create_window(): with open(os.path.expanduser('~\Documents\Calc3DbyRisen\setts.json')) as file: theme = json.load(file)['settings']['theme'] Sgi.theme(theme) menu_def = [ ['File', ['Настройки'], ['Выход']], ['Help', ['Как рассчитывается стоимость', 'Обо мне', 'Проверить обновления']], ] layout = [ [Sgi.Menu(menu_def)], [Sgi.Txt('_' * 46)], [Sgi.Text('0', size=(7, 1), font=('Consolas', 32), text_color='white', key='result', auto_size_text=True, justification='right', expand_x=True), Sgi.Text('руб.', font=('Consolas', 32), text_color='white', key='result')], [Sgi.Text('Себестоимость:', font=12, text_color='white'), Sgi.Text('0', size=(7, 1), font=12, text_color='white', key='cost', auto_size_text=True, justification='right', expand_x=True), Sgi.Text('руб.', font=('Consolas', 12), text_color='white', key='cost')], [Sgi.Txt('_' * 46, pad=(10, 5))], [Sgi.Text('Время печати'), Sgi.Push(), Sgi.InputText('0', size=(5, 20)), Sgi.Text('ч.'), Sgi.InputText('0', size=(5, 0)), Sgi.Text('мин. ')], [Sgi.Text('Вес детали'), Sgi.Push(), Sgi.InputText('0', size=(10, 20), justification='right', ), Sgi.Text('гр. ')], [Sgi.Text('Количество экземпляров'), Sgi.Push(), Sgi.InputText('1', size=(10, 20), justification='right', ), Sgi.Text('шт. ')], [Sgi.Txt('_' * 46)], [Sgi.Text('Моделирование'), Sgi.Push(), Sgi.InputText('0', size=(10, 20), justification='right', ), Sgi.Text('руб. ')], [Sgi.Text('Постобработка'), Sgi.Push(), Sgi.InputText('0', size=(10, 20), justification='right', ), Sgi.Text('руб. ')], [Sgi.Txt('_' * 46)], [Sgi.Txt(' ' * 15), Sgi.ReadFormButton('Расчитать', size=(10, 2)), Sgi.Cancel('Выход', size=(10, 2))] ] return Sgi.Window(f'Calc3D by Risen ver.{ver}', layout, icon='logo.ico') def main(): mk_dir_json() window = create_window() try: upd_start() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: Sgi.popup_ok(not_connect) while True: event, values = if event == "Настройки": window_setts() window.close() window = create_window() elif event == "Как рассчитывается стоимость": Sgi.popup_ok(calc) elif event == "Обо мне": Sgi.popup(about) elif event == "Проверить обновления": try: upd_check() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: Sgi.popup_ok(not_connect) elif event == 'Расчитать': with open(os.path.expanduser('~\Documents\Calc3DbyRisen\setts.json')) as file: params = json.load(file)["settings"] try: hours = float(values[1]) except ValueError: hours = 0 try: minutes = float(values[2]) except ValueError: minutes = 0 if minutes > 60: hours = hours + minutes // 60 minutes = minutes % 60 t = hours * 60 + minutes try: md = values[3] except ValueError: md = 0 am = amortization(params['a'], t, params['spi'], now.year) # a, t, spi, year cost = cost_prise(params['p'], t, params['h'], md, params['d'], params['st'], params['mk'], am, values[6], values[4]) # p, t, h, md, d, st, mk, am, post, x try: result = calculating(cost, values[5], params['marge']) # cost, mod, marg except KeyError: Sgi.popup_ok(new_marge) result = 0 window.find_element('result').Update(result) window.find_element('cost').Update(cost) elif event in (Sgi.WIN_CLOSED, 'Выход'): break if __name__ == "__main__": main()